Getting Level: Evaluating the Manuscript and Editing at Different Levels
October 18, 2012 at 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Getting Level: Evaluating the Manuscript and Editing at Different Levels
October 18, 2012 at 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
October 12 and 13 is 2012 Communication Central, a conference for freelance writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, and others at the Courtyard Baltimore Downtown/Inner Harbor Marriott in Baltimore, Maryland! This year’s theme is “Build Your Business.” On October 13, the Editing Summit will take place, and–yours truly!–April Michelle Davis will be speaking, along with Erin Brenner, Janice Campbell, Laura Poole, John McIntyre, Carol Fisher Saller, and Barbara Hart.
Are you a freelance editor starting your own business, or are you searching for ways to make your editing business more successful? This May, Editorial Inspirations and April Michelle Davis bring you Editing 101 and Editing 102. Find out more and register today.
Editorial Inspirations will be hosting and providing this specialized class designed for those who are in the editing industry (or who want to become freelance editors). This hands-on, interactive, one-day class will provide detailed discussions about the field, editing skills, and the business and IT requirements necessary to succeed. Add the course to your résumé, strengthen your skills, and learn how to run your editing business like a professional. Read More.
For those who cannot make it to Richmond, Virginia, on May 19, Editing 101 is also offered as a correspondence course.
Course Topics
• Publishing Industry Overview
• Editing Resources
• Marking Copy
• Spelling
• Grammar Review
• Punctuation
• Freelancing
A continuation of Editing 101, this class provides advanced discussions about the editing field, query processes, and running a successful business. Add the course to your résumé, strengthen your skills, and learn more techniques for how to run your editing business like a professional. You do not have to take Editing 101 to take Editing 102. Read More.
Last month, April Michelle Davis ran for the office of chair-elect for the Mid- and South-Atlantic chapter of the American Society for Indexing. She has won this office and will begin her term May 1, 2012.
If you had to eliminate one word or phrase from the English language, what would it be? Why?
I don’t think there is a word or phrase that I would eliminate. As it is, the English language has over 200,000 words, but the average English speaker only knows and uses less than 20,000. If anything, we should be frantically adding words to our own vocabularies. I would, however, appreciate it if people started using the words and phrases English already has correctly. Take, for example, the expression “I could not care less.” This is correct. “I could care less” does not make any sense, although this is what many people end up saying instead.
See other comments on the Editorial Inspirations Facebook page.